Hill Croft School

About Us 

Hill Croft School is a controlled school which welcomes pupils aged 3-19, providing education to approximately 250 pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties through Nursery, Primary, Secondary and Post 16 phases.  Hill Croft is situated in the New Mossley area of Newtownabbey. 

Our experienced and enthusiastic staff put the pupils at the heart of all that they do.  The needs of our pupils vary greatly so we work closely with parents and our partners in other agencies leading to a multi-disciplinary and holistic personal learning programme for each child.  Our pupils also experience a broad and relevant curriculum delivered with a focus on active learning and is adapted to meet their individual needs.  There is an emphasis on a multi-sensory approach which is very practical and focuses on each child's own preferred learning style.

Our school also has Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists on site to work with our pupils during the school day and to support the classroom teaching staff.  We offer a further range of activities and support during the week.

We also offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities to our pupils. These are carefully chosen to meet the needs and interests of our pupils. They include: Pony-Riding, Swimming, Bowling, Choir and Football.

Hill Croft School has a welcoming and nurturing ethos and our Statements of Commitment reflect the heartbeat of the school. The health, safety and well-being of all of our pupils and staff is paramount. Each class team establishes close and caring relationships with the pupils, cultivating a positive atmosphere which praise and rewards all pupils for their efforts. This culture of praise is evident throughout the school; achievements are celebrated through Assemblies and class visits. We aim to instil independence, self-discipline, responsibility and confidence in all our pupils as they progress throughout the school.