Hill Croft School


Our Senior Department focuses on Key Stage 3 and 4 of the N. I. curriculum and comprises of seven classes:  SKS, SEP, SLA, SHR, SAS, SLL and SSS . 

Pupils coming into Key Stage 3 and 4 in Hill Croft are adjusting from childhood to adulthood. Within our department, pupils are provided with a wide range of stimulating experiences to help develop their functional numeracy, literacy and life skills. As a department, we promote learning and independence through practical meaningful activities such as class jobs and increased responsibilities which encourage positive mental health and wellbeing. We provide real life and educational learning experiences within school and the community. Pupils are provided with a broad and balanced curriculum which includes opportunities to develop choice and independent thinking.



We are here to promote and support individuals in gaining greater independence and to help them in adjusting from childhood to adulthood. We are part of a school community that helps develop each pupil holistically at each stage of their development.


This is how we teach and learn:

  • We provide a wide range of stimulating experience through active learning experiences.
  • We provide opportunities to develop functional numeracy and literacy skills.
  • We promote learning and independence through practical meaningful activities such as class jobs and increased responsibilities.
  • We use a range of learning programmes e.g. Makaton, Numicon, Harberton Reading Programme.
  • We aim to develop real life and educational learning experiences within school and the community.
  • We give pupils opportunities to talk and engage with their feelings and emotions; promote and encourage mental health and wellbeing and develop their social interactions with others e.g. Take Ten, Circle Time.
  • We give pupils choice and encourage their opinions when learning new skills, allowing them to make choices when appropriate.
  • We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum through practical learning programmes e.g. ASDAN.


As a result, we have pupils/individuals who are:

  • Engaged in active learning.
  • Working towards and gaining greater independence.
  • Have greater confidence and willing to try new things.
  • Feel safe and secure.
  • Have developed their social skills within school and the community.


This rationale has been devised in conjunction with all department staff, parents and, where appropriate pupils.