Hill Croft School

Prospective pupil information


We receive a lot of questions and queries from prospective parents about how to apply for a place in our school.  We hope the following pieces of information will help with the process. 


Hill Croft is a school for pupils with severe learning difficulties and other associated complex needs.

  • ·All pupils must have a statement of special educational needs which states their primary need is severe or profound learning difficulties.
  • ·The number of limited spaces are confirmed each year by the Education Authority. Pupils are placed in specialist provision, such as Hill Croft, on the request of Special Education in the Education Authority.
  • Parents should apply for a mainstream place in Nursery or Primary whilst statutory assessment is ongoing. 
  • We aim to hold short information sessions and tours for prospective parents during Term 2. Information can be found on our school Facebook page. 


You can find information on the Statutory Assessment Process here. This is the statementing process for all specialist provision including Learning Units and Special Schools. 

Education Authority Statutory Assessment



Hill Croft is a school for pupils who have been assessed as having severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties by an Educational Psychologist. Many of our pupils also have a medical diagnosis in addition to this such as; Autism, Down Syndrome etc. 
If your child is due to start Nursery or P1 in September 2025, and the statutory assessment process has begun, you may wish to visit the school prior to listing our school on his/her statement of special educational needs. Please contact Tina Donaldson our Family Worker on 02890837488 or via email on: tdonaldson973@c2kni.net, and a member of our Foundation Stage team will get back to you. 
We have arranged some information sessions which include a short presentation and tour of the school on: 
Tuesday 28th January 2025 at 2.15pm 
Wednesday 26th February 2025 at 10am
We will be holding another tour later in the year (date to be confirmed!). 
Please contact Tina before the date to book a place.
Kind regards 
Roz McFeeters 


Click on the link below to see our Prospectus –

Hill Croft Prospectus 2024



Please enjoy this virtual tour of Hill Croft School.  If you think that Hill Croft would be a suitable school placement for your child, please get in touch via info@hillcroftschool.co.uk or on 028 9083 7488.




We understand that the process of applying for schools and waiting for statements is hard to navigate.  While going through this process we encourage all our prospective families (of pupils aged 0-6) to attend Play Dates. 

Play Dates is a service for all local children up to the end of Primary 2 with a learning disability and their parents/carers.

Throughout the year we have a number of special events relating to learning through play, for example: Fundamental Movement, Attention Autism, Sensory Stories, Art and Music. We encourage parents to have fun playing with their children while getting advice and support from experienced Hill Croft staff.  We aim to support parents to help their children learn through play.


When: Tuesdays

from 2.00-3.30pm

Dates as follows:


  • September- 17th and 24th
  • October– 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd
  • November– 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
  • December– 3rd
  • January– 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th
  • February– 4th, 18th and 25th
  • March– 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th
  • April– 1st, 8th and 29th
  • May– 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th
  • June– 3rd- to finish for the year.



Dates subject to change (changes will be notified via our Facebook page/website)